Friday, August 31, 2012

Hello! World!

Hello World!

My name is Qihan and this is a brand new blog for my history internship this semester. I am gonna be a research assistant for professor Valussi and help her find out the current influence of an old Chinese philosophy, Taoism. My job is basically about translate old Chinese books into English and help professor Valussi interpret the essence of Taoism by using Chinese logic. Also, I am gonna help professor Valussi to present a presentation in Chinese later  in Hong Kong. Hope we will have a great semester!!! ~O(∩_∩)O~

Since this is my first blog, let me introduce a little bit about what is Taoism.


Taoism is an old philosophy that is original from ancient China in 6 century BC. The founder of Taoism is Laozi, one of the greatest philosopher of ancient China. The highest achievement of Laozi is the book , Tao Te Ching. Tao Te Ching is an authoritative writing of Taoism and became the keystone work of literature of Taoism later.

The emphasis of Taoism is about how to live in harmony with the Tao. The Tao is an religious term in ancient Chinese means "way", "path" or "principle." The Tao denotes something that is both the source and the driving force behind everything that exists. In Taoism, it is widely believe that if you follow the Tao in the right way, you will get an eternal life and become immortal.

The world-famous symbol Yin-Yang is also original from Taoism. In Taoism, the Yin-Yang describes two force, light and shadow are interconnected and interdependent in our universe. People who believe in Taoism think the Yin-Yang symbol contains all the secrets and mysteries of our world.

That is pretty much for my first blog. Hope to see you guys soon!